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A memorial locker set up at the school where the student had died
-Students were able to put notes on the locker
-Great way to show that it’s okay to express how you feel

Community is an important and essential part about suicide
-Having those resources for students and adults to reach so that way they can talk about their concerns, issues, problems, etc…
-Having resources in a community to help prevent and deal with suicide
-Being a model is an amazing thing, especially as a teacher, kids will model what YOU do

Media- How harassment and bullying can lead to suicide
– Anti-bullying programs in school (setting them up, keep them going). It needs to be an ONGOING thing and that is how we can prevent it
-What do you think?

For teachers: what if you have tried your best to help a student or child prevent suicide and he or she still does it?
-Make sure not to blame yourself
-Get counselling for yourself
-school-wide counselling
-As teachers, social workers, students, anybody- it is important to grieve
-Dialoge it out- talk about it and healing will follow
-EAP (Employment Assistent Program) can come in a have grop talks

Ways to help children and people deal with and heal from suicide:
-Encouraging and nurturing feelings, but allow that individual to feel included