I’ve got an idea and I believe it would have a dramatic affect on bullying in schools.
Back in October of 2011 I did a presentation to the Laurentian University School of Education students and I opened with the words of Ricks Mercer “because what we are doing is not good enough.” Here we are, eight months after the suicide of Jamie Hubley and I ask, “what are we doing differently to combat bullying in schools?”
In Ontario (Canada) schools, we have these signs with yellow dots that encourage reporting of acts of vandalism with a $200 reward.
What if we took the same concept and offered kids $200 for reporting bullying? I have two sons who are 13 and 15 years old and I know for a fact that $200 for reporting a bully would certainly get their attention.
By the way, this sign was Photoshopped not vandalized.
I look forward to your comments and I encourage you to share this blog post because “what we are doing is not good enough.”