1) Do you know how to find your local crisis phone number?

If you answered ‘Yes’, that’s great. Be sure to tell a friend.

If you answered ‘No’, then visit the CASP website and find yours today.


2) What are two warning signs that would lead you to ask if someone was feeling suicidal?

Both withdrawl and sudden mood changes may be signs of a person who is feeling suicidal. High energy typically is not.

There are many warning signs. CASP’s website has a simple tool we all can use to remember the warning signs of suicide.


3) What is the most important thing you can do for someone who is suicidal?

Listen. Don’t take charge, don’t try to ‘talk some sense in to them’. Just be there, be a friend, and listen to them.


4) What is something that you can do to help build a suicide safer community?

Having accessible suicide intervention resources and, of course, participating in World Suicide Prevention Day are two great ways to contribute to a suicide-safer community. There are many more ways, too, listed at the Suicide Safer Communities website.

Not talking about suicide is, we hope you realize, just about the worst thing you can do.


5) Does Canada have a National Strategy for Suicide Prevention?

No, we do not. It is estimated that nearly 4000 people die from suicide each year in Canada. That’s over 10 people dying every day, and yet we do not have a national plan to do something about it. CASP is lobbying for a national suicide prevention strategy. Learn more about it on their website.